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Webinar Electrification and its impact on local mobility policy

Car-free living
Smart cities and towns
Register today
23 May 2024, 10:00u
till 23 May 2024, 12:00u
online via MS Teams
free of charge

The shift to electric vehicles is accelerating. This trend has an impact on the demand for charging infrastructure, the local electricity network, and the mobility policy of cities and towns. Participate in this webinar and discover what electrification trends mean for your municipality.

But what does that all mean for mobility councillors and professionals? In a webinar on Thursday 23 May (10-12h), Mobiel 21 and CIVINET .BE will dive into the topic looking for answers. We will discuss the opportunities, challenges and issues that you, as a local mobility professional, are facing today and will certainly be confronted with over the coming years. So make sure to participate!

Participation is free. The webinar will be held in English.

What we have in store for you

During the webinar, various topics will be discussed:

  • European legislative trends
  • the tension between charging infrastructure and space for pedestrians
  • the link between electrification and parking policy
  • and many more…

Participants can also submit additional topics and questions that they would like to see discussed. Just pass them on to us via the registration link.

The main speakers will be Pedro Gomes, head of the Clean Vehicles & Air Quality Working Group at POLIS and a long-time expert in the field of electrification, as well as Rosanne Vanpée, researcher at Transport & Mobility Leuven. More speakers will be announced in the coming weeks.

Other CIVINET activities in 2024

In addition to this webinar, CIVINET .BE is planning other activities based on the input we received from cities and municipalities. A webinar on TEN-T will follow in the autumn and we are also planning a site visit to learn more about city access regulations. More information will follow later.

What is CIVINET .BE?

CIVINET .BE is a learning network that unites Belgian cities and municipalities to get the most out of European mobility projects. The network helps councillors and civil servants to keep an overview of what is happening at the European level.

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Car-free living

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