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Setting people in motion

Mobility as a lever for a healthier, fairer and more sustainable world. That's what we believe in at Mobiel 21. Through initiatives with impact, campaigns and independent research, we support citizens and policymakers in creating people-friendly streets and neighbourhoods.

What we work on

We want to change the world. As we cannot do everything at once, we focus on four main themes.

Mobility for everyone

We're fighting transport poverty by doing research into its causes and effects, and by giving cycling lessons to adults. Because everyone should be able to get where he or she needs to be.

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Car-free living

We showcase how great streets are when there is more room for people instead of cars. Streets on a human scale that allow for social contact, playful activities and a dash of nature. Streets to live in, not just drive through.

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Safe to school

We help build safe and adventurous public spaces in which children and young people can, want and are allowed to move independently. To school, friends, the sports club, the park... in all directions.

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Smart cities and towns

We believe in the power of participation and innovation. Collectively, people can achieve more. We use groundbreaking methodologies and cutting-edge technology to build smarter cities and towns, ready for the future.

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On our calendar

Webinar fietsveiligheid

28 January, 2025 09:30


31 January, 2025 13:00

Mobibaden VVSG

10 February, 2025 16:00