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Creating people-friendly streets

Car-free living

A car-free life!? That's impossible! Or is it? At Mobiel 21, we do everything we can to ensure the private car is no longer people's preferred travel mode. Changes on the road start in people's minds.

When cars disappear, people appear

Who do our streets belong to? Ask ten people and you will get as many different answers. The truth is that our streets are part of the public domain. They simply belong to all of us.

A lot of (political) agreements determine how we design our streets. Over the past century, this design has mainly focused on individual efficiency, speed and comfort. Naturally, this means a focus on private cars.

Imagine for a moment what our streets would look like if we also took quality of life, social interaction and health into consideration. We at Mobiel 21 think such an alternative vision is well worth a discussion. Because a street on a human scale has so much more to offer to everyone.

Cars everywhere

parking spots in Flanders

but only 6,774,807 people

of urban residents

has been exposed to excessively high concentrations of particulate matter

private cars

were registered in Belgium as of August 2023

Designing people-friendly streets

Promoting streets that are designed in a people-friendly way can take many forms. With inspiring campaigns such as 'Car-Free Sunday' and '30 Days Less Cars', we invite citizens and policymakers to think about their mobility habits and policy choices.

We support tactical urbanism actions and grassroots initiatives aimed at changing the status quo.

We also conduct research into livable streets, for instance by counting traffic with Telraam or by collecting cycling data through PING. Finally, we share our vision at conferences, workshops and lectures, where we help people change their perspective.

The more, the merrier

A street does not redesign itself. That requires cooperation between policymakers and citizens like you. Are you eager to change how your street looks, or just looking for fun facts to convince others of the need for people-friendly streets? We have it all. And we are very happy that you are want to take action too!

Activities about this theme

Mobibaden VVSG

10 February, 2025 16:00

Verkeersveiligheidscongres 2025

18 March, 2025 00:00

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